Basic Animal Behaviour

Basic Animal Behaviour Courses

Learn and understand the basic principles of animal behaviour which will give you the skill to interact correctly with your pet. This course will provide a solid scientific foundation for those students interested in furthering a career in animal behaviour.

Ethology Academy offers Basic Animal Behaviour courses in three different companion animal species namely dogs, cats and horses.

These certificate courses all consist of four modules which are spread over one calendar year. Most of the students who enrol for this course work full-time and the courses are therefore designed to be done on a part-time basis. The Basic courses are essentially conducted through distance learning by means of Webinars. During the year 6 Webinars will be presented. Students are expected to take part in these webinars which will be held on a week day evening, so that students that work full time can attend.

Because Ethology Academy is a private company there is room for flexibility should students encounter difficulties with certain aspects of their studies during the year.


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